Are you responsible for the introduction of an online application for folk festivals or markets? If so, the following article will give you an overview of which parties should be part of your project team.
A good team set-up is the basis for a successful implementation of digital processes. The introduction of an online application for events is no exception. In order to put together the right team for your project, you should be aware of your project goal and make sure that responsibilities are clearly distributed: Do you want to create a purely streamlined online form or do you have an application website with its own user area in mind? Depending on the type of online process you envision, the number of Expert:ins needed will vary.
You should think of the following people:
1. the specialist department for market and fixed planning
The planners responsible for public festivals, fun fairs, Christmas markets, etc. are the experts when it comes to the market application process. So, to successfully establish an online application process, your requirements and wishes must be taken into account. After all, the introduction of a digital application process is primarily about making their day-to-day work easier. Therefore, be sure to sit down with the planners of the folk festival, fair or Christmas market and understand the market regulations in effect. Go through the current analog application process together.
This provides a good basis for the subsequent digital implementation. In addition, record wishes that the analog procedure does not yet cover, but which can perhaps be easily implemented digitally. The technical department also has the contacts with the fairground companies, which will later fill out the online application. Their wishes and requirements should also be taken into account in the development.
2. development team for the online application form.
For a digital application process, a platform is needed on which interested showmen and women can apply. This should be developed by a team of experts who have the appropriate experience in creating online applications. Thus, the following competencies should be covered in the development team:
- UX designer: UX stands for user experience. UX designers deal with user friendliness (usability) and its optimization. In the case of an online application, they are responsible for ensuring that form entry works smoothly for the user (i.e., the applicant). Together with the web developer (see below), they consider, for example, the type of fields they want to use in the online form. Should a query be available as free text, number or as a selection option – all this is in your area of responsibility. In addition, they are considering conditional logics to provide quick and convenient entry for showman operations.
- Web Designer / UI Designer: Web or UI designers (User Interface Designers) design the layout of the page. They focus their attention mainly on the aesthetics and presentation of the online application page. They also make sure that the later design fits into the general appearance of the city or municipality.
- Copy-Writer: As the name suggests, copy-writers create the texts for online applications. The most important thing is not only to formulate the text in an appealing way, but also to describe fields that may require explanation in detail, so that the applicant has no questions when entering the data.
- Web Developer: The Web Developer is responsible for the technical implementation. Together with those responsible for the IT infrastructure (see below), he takes care of where the website is hosted, which domain it has and the actual programming of the website. In addition, web developers are responsible for the form in which the collected data is transmitted and where it is sent after the applicant submits it.
3. development team for a digital specialist procedure
Speaking of digital processing, the digital application is only half the battle. After all, applications must be processed by the responsible specialist department once they have been submitted. After all, what good is a digital data record if it now has to be processed manually? To process application requests without media discontinuity, you need a specialist process provider such as Marktmeister Pro. Marktmeister Pro provides corresponding interfaces to online applications. Together with the web developers and those responsible for the IT infrastructure, specialist process manufacturers ensure a smooth technical transfer of the application data into a database. By means of a database, all application data can be systematically recorded and processed for the further planning process. For example, the specialized procedure supports application management, graphic planning and communication with the show companies as well as important partners.
4. IT department of the city or municipality
If you want to establish a new digital process in an existing IT infrastructure, you need the responsible contact persons in-house. After all, you want to send the data you collect to a secure environment where it can be managed. The responsible IT managers know the applicable system environments of your city or municipality and the applicable data protection guidelines. Therefore, urgently get your IT managers on board and ensure a timely exchange between them and the developers for online forms and specialist procedures. Make sure the partners:in share their system requirements and that these are reviewed by your IT specialists. Thus, nothing should stand in the way of a smooth integration.
Conclusion: How to put together the right team
With the right people and a clear distribution of tasks, nothing stands in the way of good project work. In practice, it may well happen that certain competencies are exercised by one and the same person. Thus, it is not so much the number of different people that is decisive, but more the coverage of important competencies. If the required competencies are not available internally, it may make sense to seek external help. Contact Marktmeister Pro now and talk to us about your project. We are happy to share with you our experience in the implementation of digital application processes for folk festivals and markets and support your project.