Digital application process with Marktmeister Pro

As the number 1 fair planning tool, Marktmeister Pro supports interfaces to online application forms, making application management easier for showmen and event planners alike.

Interaction with the authorities is to become more digital. This is provided for by the Act on Improving Online Access to Administrative Services(Online Access Act OZG). It obliges the federal, state and local governments to offer their administrative services digitally by the end of 2022. The application process for folk festivals, Christmas markets and the like constitutes such a municipal administrative service. Thus, the responsible planners also face the challenge of becoming more digital.

Online application forms are an optimal way to meet these requirements in market and fixed planning. These allow showmen to apply directly on the organizer’s website. Marktmeister Pro now offers an interface to such online application forms. This is how folk festival planners easily bring their analog applicant process onto the digital track.

The analog applicant process: A time and financial investment with risk

The process of an online application is similar to that of an analog application: The first step is to publicize the event, usually through a call for entries in trade journals or information on the organizer’s website. In addition to the application deadline, application conditions are also published here. Applicants prepare their application documents on the basis of the application requirements. Ideally, they are given a form here to fill out by hand. But unfortunately it still happens that the application process is completely informal. The big risk here: In the abundance of the many applications that a showman makes, there can always be input errors or that the documents are not submitted completely. In addition, the applicant incurs both time and financial costs: in order to ensure that applications are received by the organizer on time, the applicant must send them by registered mail or even bring them personally.

On the market planner’s side, too, the manual entry of applications results in an enormous expenditure of time as well as an increased risk of errors. Thus, for each application, the responsible planner must not only check the postmark for the purpose of the deadline for receipt, but also check the documents for completeness. In the case of known applicants, additional checks are made to see whether the data received matches past data or whether there have been any changes. Here, too, practical experience shows that, time and again, matching errors occur in the abundance of applications, which can lead to frustration on the part of the market planner and the applicant. In the worst case, these errors even have a direct impact on event safety, if, for example, ride sizes are incorrectly specified or sources of risk such as gas are not apparent.

The digital application process makes it easier for show companies to apply for jobs

With the help of a digital application form, showmen now have the opportunity to apply directly on the website. Here, the time required for the application as well as the risk of incorrect entry is significantly reduced. The form guides the applicant step by step through the application process. Thanks to mandatory information, without which the form cannot be submitted, it is ensured that no information can be accidentally forgotten. Via an upload, even additional information such as brochures and pictures of the applicant can be uploaded and find their way digitally to the market planner. Once the applicant has sent the form, it automatically ends up with the competent authority. The applicant receives a confirmation of receipt with the corresponding application ID and can rest assured that the application has been received safely.

Once the application deadline has passed, the market planner can access a digital applicant record, which they must now edit. Thanks to Marktmeister Pro, however, he now does not have to check them all manually one by one, but is supported directly by the software:

Automatic verification of applicant data ensures greater security in market planning

By means of an interface, the digital application is imported into Marktmeister Pro without a media break. The system automatically checks whether the application was received on time. Furthermore, the software directly indicates whether the company is new or whether the applicant is already known. If the applicant is known, the market planner software checks if there are any differences in the details between the past application details and the current ones. Differences become directly visible in color and can now be precisely checked by the store planner. This procedure allows input errors to be corrected directly and ensures higher planning quality.

Individual application ID provides planning overview

By means of application ID, which is assigned individually to each application received, applications can be located directly in Marktmeister Pro. So, if the applicant has any questions for the organizer, he can call anytime with the ID and the market planner will not lose time to assign the caller. This not only saves time, but also facilitates communication between both sides.

Transition to digital market planning

With the interface implementation, organizers take an important step towards digital market planning and thus create a more secure and efficient planning process for themselves and applicants. This leaves them more time for the essential things: planning a Volkfest with heart! For more information about the interface, contact your Marktmeister Pro consultant.

The interface from digital application forms to Marktmeister Pro facilitates the planning process. (Photo source: Courtney Corlew)
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